Saturday, September 23, 2006

Are We Born To Be Great Thinkers?

What makes a "great thinker?"

What makes a "great thinker?" A high I.Q.? A university education? Are we born to be great thinkers, or do we learn it?
Actually, anyone can be a great thinker. Sure, some of history's so-called "thinkers" had genius-level I.Q. and schooling, but most were normal people who needed or wanted to find solutions to everyday questions.
Key to Great Thoughts
The key to discovery of great thoughts lies in one word:


Give yourself permission to think "outside the box." Daydream. Fantasize. Doodle. Meditate. And never think your ideas are dumb or worthless.

Many of the world's greatest thinkers were laughed at. But imagine what our world if people like Philo T. Farnsworth, a farm boy from Idaho, hadn't dreamed up television.

Who do you know that you think is a great thinker?
Who always has amazing ideas?
Who comes up with solutions to problems no one else thinks of?
Next time you see them, ask them how they do it.